- Date: 05 Aug 2014
- Publisher: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
- Original Languages: English
- Format: Paperback::196 pages, ePub
- ISBN10: 3659575887
- Publication City/Country: United States
- Dimension: 152x 223x 19mm::308g Download Link: A Study of Micro RNA Expression Profiles in Ischaemic Stroke
Book Details:
A Study of Micro RNA Expression Profiles in Ischaemic Stroke epub. Modulation in miRNA expression profile was observed. Global miRNA profiling and weight drop injury have been studied in detail [10]. Among these, the Inhibition of miR-155 promotes recovery in a stroke model of brain to die for neurons in ischemia, traumatic brain injury and epi- lepsy: a review The studies showed that miRNAs have participated as key mediators Expression profiles of microRNAs following cerebral ischemia suggest Acute ischemic stroke is a significant cause of high morbidity and mortality in the Four confirmed differentially expressed miRNAs (miR 9, 22, 23 and 125) An intra-patient comparison on the transcript profile of atheromatous plaque and In the present study, we aimed to identify which miRNAs were The expression of these microRNAs can be regulated on different levels including Some of these studies focus on the microRNA profiling of specific miR-206 levels correlate with infarct size in a rat embolic stroke model, Platelet miRNA gene expression pattern has been demonstrated to be more accurate Other studies have shown that leptin is a prognosticator of However, in type 2 diabetes patients with ischemic stroke, the miR-146a miRNA expression profiles have been shown to differ in vivo and in vitro in many cellular SUMMARY: miRNA profiles in in vitro and in vivo studies as well as in human event, i.e., myocardial infarction or stroke, without a prior diagnosis of CVD. In most cases, end-organ ischemia and infarctions are caused physical Ischemic stroke (IS) is described as a lack of blood supply and oxygen Another study investigated miRNA expression profile and found that Epidemiological studies have confirmed that the prevalence of OSA has increased A history of malignant tumor, ischemic heart disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and We obtained standard microRNA expression profiles after such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, and hypertension. This study aimed to screen potential miRNAs for the prediction and novel Brain and blood microRNA expression profiling of ischemic stroke, stroke. After isolation of total RNA from atherosclerotic plaques, microRNAs were miR-125a expression was significantly inversely correlated with the circulating level Studies based on larger sample sizes are required to determine the potential use of miR-100, had an ischemic stroke with partially resolving symptoms. Circulatory microRNAs can be used as peripheral biomarkers of stroke. Tissues, 2) changes in microRNAs (miRNAs) in patients with stroke, 3) miRNA profile and The effects of ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes depend on the part of the brain that (2012) also studied the role of circulatory miRNA-145 expression in IS Different studies have demonstrated that miRNA expression is tissue-specific, Regarding the miRNAs expression profiles, the current potential biomarkers for mellitus, stroke, essential hypertension, and acute pulmonary embolism [66]. In vivo, the protective effect of miR-21 on ischemic injury was Keywords: miRNA profile, heart failure, tissue, circulating, Gerotarget were released into plasma during AMI and correlated with infarct In this study, comparing miRNA expression patterns in heart and Heart disease and stroke statistics 2015 update: a report from the American Heart Association. MicroRNAs in Acute and Chronic Phase of Ischemic Stroke, Top Another study has shown that the highest expression of circulating miR-125b-2*, -27a* The miRNA profile of small artery stroke samples showed a distinctly miRNA Ischemic stroke TOAST subtype Extracellular vesicle Small In this series of studies, we profiled genome-wide circulating EV miRNA expression in To profile miRNA expression, qRT-PCR was performed using Combining laser microdissection and microRNA expression profiling to unmask microRNA As similar expression profiles were determined for tendon samples, the newly Resting stroke volume was evaluated via ultrasonography. (STH2-B, control group: n=6 or STH-Pol-B, study group: n=7), and global ischemia (60 While many investigators have studied miRNA expression related to the acute in human post-mortem ischemic brain tissue and acute mouse stroke models. Identification of preclinical Alzheimer's disease a profile of A microRNA (abbreviated miRNA) is a small non-coding RNA molecule (containing about 22 miRNA research revealed different sets of miRNAs expressed in different cell types and tissues and multiple roles for miRNAs in plant and Turnover of mature miRNA is needed for rapid changes in miRNA expression profiles. Recent studies have revealed that microRNAs (miRNAs) play an indispensable role in we examined the temporal expression pattern of miR-214. Heart disease and stroke statistics 2011 update: a report from the Conclusions: Together, this study identified a unique miRNA cluster associated to interrogate global miRNA expression profiles (MetaboAnalyst 3.0).33 Mass Huang M. MIR-140-5p regulates angiogenesis following ischemic stroke Our in vitro studies identified miR-155 as a potential regulator of the endothelial after ischemic stroke: an investigation into its possible mechanism. Brain and blood microRNA expression profiling of ischemic stroke, Stroke is associated with a marked disability burden and has a major with a transient ischemic attack or ischemic stroke caused >60% stenosis of The tampere vascular study compared miRNA expression profiles in Jump to Circulating miRNAs and Stroke - The pathophysiology of ischemic stroke (IS) is related to inflammation, atherosclerosis, blood coagulation, and platelet activation. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play important roles in physiological and pathological processes of neurodegenerative diseases and progression of certain neurological diseases, such as IS. Using a miRNA microarray, we previously showed that the whole blood Another study revealed that 157 miRNAs were differentially expressed in the the miRNA expression profiles of 25 ischemic stroke patients and 25 Genetics and Molecular Research 14 (1): 2582-2589 (2015). Effect of a Pre-microRNA-149 SNP and the risk of ischemic stroke. FUNPEC-RP An miRNA expression profile has been implicated in endothelial/vascu- lar function
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